Survey Results

When can you expect results?

We are thrilled you are interested in the IYS data! We are working on 2024 reports.

  • School Reports: 648 school report logins have been sent to school principals.
  • District Reports: 138 district report logins have been sent to district superintendents.
  • County Reports: 53 county reports are posted to the IYS website.
  • Chicago Community Area (CCA) Community Reports: 12 CCA reports will be posted to the IYS website by the end of August.
  • SUPP Provider Community Reports: Approximately 50 reports to be generated for site plans with participating schools; notification will be emailed to SUPP Grant Contact during September.
  • Statewide Frequency Reports: Statewide reports will be posted to the IYS website in late Fall.

There is an immense amount of information in the frequency reports. We encourage everyone to first use these 2024 reports and other past-year frequency reports and statewide results before making additional requests.


Report releases and data sharing

Providers or coalitions working with schools/districts and in need of frequency reports are strongly encouraged to ask school/district administrators directly to share their school/district reports with them. There is no need to submit a School/District Report Release if you get frequency reports directly from school/district administrators.

Instructions for completing a school or district report release can be found on the school and district reports page.


Custom analysis requests will be processed after regular IYS reporting is finished around October or November. To request a custom analysis, complete the Custom Analysis Request Form. Use this form if you are requesting:

  • a standard IYS frequency report with a specific combination of schools, districts, or counties,
  • any frequency report separated by other demographics, or
  • something other than a frequency report (other statistical analysis).


To request access to the IYS dataset, you will need to review the Data Sharing Policy and complete both the CPRD Data Sharing Request form and Business Associate’s Agreement. IRB approval and/or training must be completed and only requests that meet all requirements will be considered. If you have any questions, contact Dr. Doug Smith.


CPRD Data Sharing Policy


IYS Codebook 2012-2022

What results can you expect?


Schools & Districts

Participating schools and districts receive a report of their own local results which are confidential to each site. Visit our school & district reports page for additional information. 

Counties/Chicago Community Areas

Once statewide surveying is complete, reports for counties and Chicago Community Areas (CCAs) are posted on our website. Visit our county reports and Chicago community area reports pages for additional information and to access these reports.



The Statewide IYS Report is made available in the spring following administration. Visit our state reports page to access reports since 2006 and for additional information.

Additional resources to understand and use IYS data

Individual IYS surveys are checked for validity. Read more about the validation process. Procedures for reporting missing data and inconsistent data in the prevalence rates found in IYS frequency reports can be found here.


  • Using the 2024 IYS Report Viewer
    This document provides a quick overview of using the IYS report viewer for accessing school reports.
  • Your 2024 IYS Report (10:49)
    This video will familiarize you with the structure and content of the report, highlight what’s new in 2024, and provide clarification and key points to keep in mind as you review your data.
    It will also take you through the process of locating data for a specific topic, in this case, bullying. You will become more familiar with the contents of the IYS report and how you might integrate your IYS data with other information for planning.


  • Site Report Appendix 2022 - PDF
    Print this document for a list of questions asked on the 2022 IYS and the section in which they appear on your report. Questions are listed in the order they appeared on the 2022 IYS survey.
  • Site Report Appendix 2022 - Excel
    Use this document to search for specific questions or filter the list view specific sections or survey forms. Questions are listed in the order they appeared on the 2022 IYS survey.
  • Using the 2022 IYS Report Viewer
    This document provides a quick overview of using the IYS report viewer for accessing school reports.


  • Site Report Appendix 2020 - PDF
    Print this document for a list of the questions asked on the 2020 IYS and the section they appear in your report. Questions are listed in the order they were found on the 2020 IYS survey.
  • Site Report Appendix 2020 - Excel
    Use this document to search for specific questions or filter the list down to specific sections or survey forms. Questions are listed in the order they were found on the 2020 IYS survey.
  • Using the IYS Report Viewer 2020
    This document provides a quick overview of using the IYS report viewer for accessing school reports.
  • VIDEO | 2020 Getting to Know Your IYS Report (11:53)
    This video will familiarize you with the structure and content of the report, highlight what’s new in 2020, and provide clarification and key points to keep in mind as you review your data.
  • VIDEO | 2020 Using Your IYS Report (9:01)
    This video will take you through the process of locating data for a specific topic, in this case, bullying. You will become more familiar with the contents of the IYS report and how you might integrate your IYS data with other information for planning.


  • Site Report Appendix 2018 - PDF
    Print this document for an overview of the questions asked on the 2018 IYS and what section they are found in your report.  Questions are listed in the order they were found on the 2018 IYS survey forms.
  • Site Report Appendix 2018 - Excel
    Use this document to electronically search for specific questions or filter the list down to specific sections or grade surveyed.  Questions are listed in the order they were found on the 2018 IYS survey forms.
  • VIDEO | 2018 IYS Report Tutorial (12:59)
    The purpose of this video is to familiarize you with the structure and content of the report, highlight what’s new in 2018, and to provide clarification and key points to keep in mind as you review your data.
  • VIDEO |2018 Using Your IYS Report (10:05)
    This video will take you through the process of locating data for a specific topic, in this case, bullying. You will become more familiar with the IYS report contents and how you might use this process to understand and integrate your IYS data with other information for planning.

For information on national, state and local resources to respond to concerns or proactively address issues in your school and community, visit our links to key topics page.