Conducting Survey

IYS Will be online only in 2024!

Starting in 2024, the Illinois Youth Survey will be available online only.
  • Registration opens in early September, 2023. Register anytime between early September 2023 and April 30, 2024,
    allowing at least 30 days before your survey date to notify parents.
  • The survey opens in early January, 2024. Survey your students on the survey date you choose between early January
    and the end of your school year.
  • Let us know when you are finished surveying—this starts the reporting process.
  • The results login will be sent to your school principal 4 to 6 weeks after you let us know you are finished.


New to IYS? Start here

This short presentation will give you a broad overview of the IYS process, and it answers the questions we are asked most often. There is no audio and it takes about 5 minutes to view.