State Reports

Statewide Frequency Reports

A critical goal of administering the IYS is to provide a scientific estimate of health and social indicators for the state of Illinois. The scientific estimate is based on randomly drawn, scientifically weighted sample of survey participants, selected to represent the state population of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders in Illinois’ public schools. The sampling design assures that youth in the state sample are representative of the state’s diverse community types, defined based on the “urbanicity” of the school’s setting. To read more about IYS sampling, click here.

How Community Types are Assigned

Each county in Illinois is assigned a community type based on the Federal Office of Management and Budget’s definitions of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Because Cook County is a blend of the City of Chicago and suburban communities, the City of Chicago schools are sampled and reported as a distinct community type. The four Illinois community types are:

  • Suburban Chicago Counties including Suburban Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will
  • City of Chicago
  • Other Urban/Suburban Counties excluding Suburban Chicago Counties
  • Rural Counties

The reports below can be used to easily compare statewide data to school, district, county, and community area frequency reports. They contain the full array of questions asked on the IYS.


State Reports

2024 Illinois Youth Survey Frequency Reports (All survey items)
2024 IYS Frequency Report - Statewide

2022 Illinois Youth Survey: No reports will be produced for 2022 
2020 Report Notes

The 2020 IYS was impacted by COVID-19 and the school shutdown that began on March 17, 2020. There was
lower participation statewide, with sufficient data collected from only three of the four community types. Because of this,
a report for the city of Chicago and a statewide report will not be produced for 2020.

2020 Illinois Youth Survey Frequency Reports (All survey items)
2020 IYS Frequency Report - Suburban Chicago Counties
2020 IYS Frequency Report - Urban/Suburban Counties (excluding suburban Chicago counties)
2020 IYS Frequency Report - Rural Counties

For prior year reports, visit our archives.